Can you answer any of the questions asked by contributors?


People have sent in lots of contributions to the Tilehurst Memories web site. Often they have questions. Do you know any of the answers? Do send them in so that we can add them to our site. Click here for our contact details.

Nigel Meek has a question about Pierces Hill.

I have always wondered who the “Pierce” was in Pierces Hill. I have always felt there should have been a possessive apostrophy between the “e” and “s” in Pierces, i.e. “Pierce’s Hill”, but I have never been able to establish if this is actually correct!

The road seems to have always been on the maps, leading from Westwood House, (now long gone and replaced by Fircroft Close), to The Gutter,(along the line of Lower Elmstone Drive). I guess Pierce must have been a farmer and there was certainly a large farm at the bottom of the hill which became a huge housing estate bounded by Lower Elmstone Drive, Westwood Glen, Sulham Hill, Long Lane and Dark Lane, but I never remember it being call Pierce’s Farm!

Anyway, I just thought I’d put it out there just in case anyone has a clue.

Indeed we are collecting lots of questions - can anyone help with an answer.

Emma Brown has a question about a house in Victoria Road.

We are renovating our house in Victoria Road. We have a stone brick in the middle off the out side with St Clair carved into it.I would really like to know who is St Clair and what my house was used for years ago.

I’ve heard different things from it was 2 houses, one side used to be a shop! And that it used to be a play group. I don’t know what is true and would love to know. If you can help or know where I can find out I would really appreciate it.

Note - I guess we would all like to know the history of the house. So if you do know anything about St Clair or the house itself, do contact us.

Tess Reith has sent in a number of questions about the residents of Langley Hill in the 1960/70s.

I have been searching the internet for historical information regarding Langley Hill, where I grew up, but with no success. The web is only interested in telling me property prices!

So therefore I thought I would write and ask if any of your members or contacts recalls Sir Hugh Fraser, a neighbour of ours, who lived at 101 Langley Hill.

Please can you help?

She has also written some of her recollections during those years.

A question sent in by Sandra Dodsworth about Norcot Road

I wonder if anyone could give me any information about these properties e.g. when they were built? Who was the architect? on Norcot Road? Many thanks

A question sent in by David Page about Beverley Road

I am doing a family history and was wondering if anyone knows what year the houses in Beverley Road were built. I think it was in the early 1950s but not sure. I would love to know. Thanks. David Page also has written his memories of Tilehurst.Click to take a peek.

A question about Jobs Dairy and Charlie Parr

I am looking for a man who worked at Job’s dairy in the 1950s. I have been given the name Charlie Parr. I wonder if you knew of him. Any information would be very welcomed.

A question about Mayfair

Can anyone tell me what year the prefab bungalows were built in Mayfair and if anyone has any stories about Mayfair or what used to be there. I would love to hear them.

A question about the Royal Oak

Martin wondered why there were no stories about the Royal Oak. Surely there must be people out there that know it from years ago.

Alison Ogden has written in with some memories of the Royal Oak.

A question from Carole Keeting

I am researching my family tree. I have learnt that my Grandfather, Nathan Rolbin, lived at 39 Church End Lane some time in the 1950s (and possibly earlier than that). He died in 1962 and is buried in St. Michael's church graveyard. I see this address is now a modern detached house. Does anyone have any information or photographs of the houses on this road in the 1950s/60s?

Did you go to Blagrave Nursery School? Do you have any photos of when you were there?

It is coming up to the 70th anniversary of the opening of Blagrave Nursery School. They would like to have any memories of your time at the school or any photos. They would like to mount an exhibition of times past as part of the celebrations. Either get in touch with the school or send your memories and photos here and we will pass them on.

A question from Su Cooper about the hairdressers in Armour Road

My Nan used to be a cleaner for a hairdresser who had a business on Armour Road. I can’t remember his name though, but I do recall being scared by his beagle who was called Teddy!

Can anyone remember who the hairdrwesser was?

Since sending in this question, Su has remembered!

I have now remembered who it was ....Caseys! I wonder if anyone else remembers them!!

June has answered some of the questions

I have loads of memories after living in Westwood Glen Tilehurst from 1941 until 1960.

In answer to some of your questions I remember the person known as bunker Palmer, he lived in Downing Rd. He lived on his own and was well known in Tilehurst village. He used to take bets for people to the bookies.

I also remember the poor man that had shell shock after the bombs in the war. My mother and I would sometimes be walking in the village and we would see him walking in front and he would suddenly drop to the ground and put his hands over his head. He would then stand up after a few minutes and carry on walking. Mum told me how he suffered. The man in the wheel chair was not him, I remember him from later years.

Nice to see some names in your memory column that I remember, Mr Wickens from the fir pit and family, the Jerome family from Chapel Hill.

Thank you June for your contribution.

Ann and David Jerome asked

Can anyone else remember Mascalls the greengrocer's? Then it became a video shop for a short time.

John asked

Further along School Road I remember the giant red cedar tree immediately outside Job's dairy and the advertising hoardings and strip of lawn beyond the garage on the left. Was there a Monkey Puzzle tree there somewhere?

Why was Bunker so patriotic and what he actually did during the war. Does anybody know?

In the later 60s there was a man who sat in a wheelchair directing traffic from the safety of the pavement at Norcot Road and sometimes at the end of Mayfair. Does anybody know if this was also Gunner in his later years?

David Manuel wrote in asking for information about Bamford Roller Skating rink

I have been trying to find out details of my wife's mother`s father who was Roland Godfrey Bamford or known also as Godfrey Roland Bamford. He was the owner of Bamfords Roller Skating Rink in West Street. I see from Tilehurst Memories that a lady named Sylvia used to skate there. I was hoping that she may have some additional memories re Bamfords Roller Skating Rink or possibly pictures of the building etc. I understand it is now a Primark Store!!

We asked Sylvia, and she didn't remember any more than this; so if you have more information, please send it in and we will share it here and we will send your memories on to David.

If any of your readers have any further memories or pictures I would most like to see and have copies of them if possible.

My mother in law is now 90 and lives in Kingston on Thames and would be most interested if there are any further details that could be supplied. Her Fathers surname was Perkins but he changed it by deed poll in 1939.

Mike Clements wrote in to ask if anyone knew the Clark family who lived in Norcot Road

William Charles CLARK died on 16th April 1954 in Battle Hospital. He was a newly retired Group Captain from the RAF (aged 62). His address at the time of death was 22 Norcot Road, Tilehurst. He was living with his son John CLARK who was 33 at the time. The son was, I believe, working for Huntly & Palmer in 1954 but later became a grocer at 22 Norcot Road – certainly until 1962. Does anyone remember this family and perhaps know what became of them; Did John marry? Did he have any children? Grandchildren?

Any information would be gratefully received.

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